North West Leicestershire Liberal Democrats

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Town council for Coalville.

by cllrmichaelwyatt on 7 March, 2021

Coalville Town Council update

Cllr Michael Wyatt who is leading the campaign to get a Town Council for Coalville has reported that he has nearly hit the required numbers needed to get the District Council to instigate the formation of a much needed Town Council for Coalville

Cllr Michael Wyatt said, “I would like to thank everyone who’s signed the petition so far.

We are very close to the numbers required by law to instruct the District Council to deliver a Town Council for Coalville. The Tories are opposed to the idea, and Labour say they suppport it but refuse to help or campaign for one so it’s left to me.

Hopefully at the next full council meeting in April or May we will finally deliver what’s needed for our town, a chance to take back control and work in partnership with local businesses and local people on the future of our Town.”

If you have not yet signed the petition then please return it today. If you require a new petition form then please let us know and we will drop one off.

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